Prime 19 Technologies

At Prime 19 Technologies, our mission is to fortify and streamline your business operations through expert IT Management, advanced Cybersecurity measures, and comprehensive Network Management.

Rooted in Oklahoma, we're committed to enhancing your business with personalized tech solutions that prioritize security, efficiency, and seamless integration.

By focusing on clarity and direct communication, we aim to make your IT infrastructure a robust backbone for your business's growth, freeing you to excel at what you do best.

IT Support Oklahoma

What is a managed service provider?

An MSP acts as your external IT department, proactively managing and supporting your technology infrastructure. We focus on preventing problems before they occur, ensuring your IT systems run smoothly and securely. This partnership allows you to concentrate on your core business activities, with peace of mind knowing your IT needs are in expert hands. By choosing an MSP, you gain access to comprehensive IT support, from network monitoring and security management to data backup and recovery, without the overhead of an in-house IT team.

Prime 19 Technologies Oklahoma

Transform Your Business with Prime 19 Technologies

Empower. Protect. Innovate. With Prime 19 Technologies at your side, unlock your business's full potential for growth and security.

Why Choose Us?

Empower Your Operations

  • Simplified IT Management: We handle the complexity so you can focus on your business.

  • Strategic Consulting: Align technology with your goals to achieve unmatched growth.

Protect Your Assets

  • Robust Cybersecurity: Comprehensive defenses keep your business safe from digital threats.

  • Data Recovery: Your data is secure and recoverable, ensuring business continuity.

Innovate and Connect

  • Network Excellence: Reliable and secure connectivity underpins seamless operations.

  • Collaboration Tools: Boost productivity with communication solutions tailored to your needs.


At Prime 19 Technologies, we streamline the process of achieving your IT goals

Contact us.